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ai dating coach

Do you know that Internet Co-Creator “Robert Kahn” Predicted Crypto and AI Decades Ago? 🤯

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This week in AI

  1. AI Dating Coach with ChatGPT earns $190,000/month: will you use this coach? 👀

  2. OpenAI Is Developing a Search Product: Google & Perplexity (crying in a corner)

  3. Meta’s AI image generation offerings for ads: Advertisers, WATCHOUT!!

Gemini just got a lot better

Google's Gemini just got a major upgrade, and it's awesome!

What's New:

How to Activate Extensions:

1. Go to Settings
2. Click on "Extensions"
3. Check the Ones You Want:
YouTube Summaries
Maps Trip Planner
Gmail, Docs, and more

Tip: If you already use Gmail or Google Workspace, these extensions will make your life easier!

I love using it.

What do you think about Gemini's new AI extensions?

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Albus Lifetime Access for $0

Get lifetime access to Albus at NO COST!

Literally at $0.

No more worrying about trial periods ending too soon.

Take your time to really dig into what Albus can do. Feel free to explore all its features at your own pace—there’s no rush with an expiring trial to worry about.

AI Exoskeletons: Helping People Keep Physical Jobs for Longer 💪

You know people struggle with back pain from repetitive bending and lifting at work?

AI is making physically demanding jobs safer and helping people work comfortably for longer.

Would people consider using an AI-powered exoskeleton at work?

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AI tools of the week: My top picks

There are a lot of productivity tools; here are my top picks for your workplace:

Julius AI: generate all things “data”

Consensus: generate all things “research”

Slides AI: generate all things “presentations”

Jobs in AI? We got you

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