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is ai taking over design jobs?

it evidently looks like

Did you know AI can now analyze user interactions in real-time to optimize UI/UX designs based on user behavior and preferences?

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Design Practice: Traditional vs AI

In today's design world, we have a fascinating blend of old-school techniques and cutting-edge technology.

Traditional Design Practice:

  • Human-Centered Approach: Relies on human intuition, creativity, and hands-on skills.

  • Process: Involves manual sketching, iterative prototyping, and user feedback.

  • Tools: Utilizes traditional tools like pencils, paper, and design software like Adobe Creative Suite.

  • Strengths: Deeply rooted in cultural and contextual understanding, highly customizable and personalized.

AI-Driven Design:

  • Algorithmic Approach: Utilizes machine learning, data analysis, and generative design algorithms.

  • Process: Employs automation in ideation, pattern recognition, and rapid prototyping.

  • Tools: Involves AI-powered software like Mid-journey, Adobe Sensei, and various neural network platforms.

  • Strengths: Capable of processing vast amounts of data, identifying trends, and generating multiple design variations quickly.

Now we are in the AI Era and keeping up with it is the only solution for a developed future.

I found a good working paper around it,

The first significant use of AI in design was with the invention of Sketchpad, created in the early 1960s by Ivan Sutherland at MIT.

As the pioneering computer-aided design (CAD) program, Sketchpad introduced the possibility of using computers to create and manipulate graphical data, setting the stage for the complex AI-driven design tools we use today.

Did you know?

AI-Designers is the trend

AI is revolutionizing the design industry, enhancing creativity and efficiency, and delivering more sophisticated outcomes. However, there's a growing concern: Is AI replacing designers?

1. Design your own clothes with AI??

Want more information on how Pixite does it?

2. Design Time Reduced by 22x

Canva has leveraged AI within its platform, streamlining complex tasks like color matching and layout optimization. This enhancement significantly accelerates the design process, enabling users to complete projects faster with less manual input.

Curious about the full details?

PS: you can use Canva with GPT too. Check it out HERE.

All the AI-Design tools you can use:

  • Adobe Sensei: Your go-to for supercharging creative workflows across Adobe's suite.

  • Khroma: This AI tool is like your personal color consultant, helping you pick perfect palettes that pop for all your projects.

  • Looka: Need a logo yesterday? Looka's your fast track to a professional brand identity.

  • Uizard: Turning sketches into digital masterpieces, Uizard is ideal for app and web design, especially if coding isn’t your thing.

Midjourney: Dive into the art of rapid visual creation with Midjourney’s text-prompted design magic, all within Discord.

Want a tool to memorize all of this? And also, a great deal?

We partnered with Flot AI for the same.

Checking them out would help us keep running this newsletter.

So please do 😅 

Your Everywhere and All-in-One AI Assistant

Imagine an AI companion that works across any website or app, helping you write better, read faster, and remember information. No more copying and pasting—everything is just one click away. Meet Flot AI!(Available on Windows and macOS)

What do you think?

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Designer vs AI Tool: Who Charges More?

Here's a cost-benefit analysis comparing a human designer in the US with an AI design tool like Canva Pro, focusing on time efficiency and cost per task:

This table demonstrates the potential cost and time efficiency gains when using an AI design tool for routine and automatable design tasks, though it's important to consider the creative and complex tasks where human designers excel and add irreplaceable value.

AI Can Understand Better Than Humans??

AI has a unique ability to translate complex ideas into designs in ways that humans might find challenging. Here are some ways AI can enhance the design process:

Semantic Design Translation Example

Imagine a brand wants to communicate "reliability" through a marketing campaign. An AI tool can analyze thousands of design elements known to evoke reliability, like blue tones, structured layouts, and classic typography, to automatically generate a series of ad visuals. This approach is faster and potentially more attuned to subtle design nuances than a human designer's initial drafts.

Real-time Customization Example

Consider a website that adjusts its layout and color scheme based on the time of day or user behavior. AI can modify the design elements on the website in real-time, enhancing user engagement. For instance, if users engage more with content during night hours, the AI might darken the background and increase text size for better readability without any human intervention.

By leveraging AI in design, the process becomes not only quicker and more efficient but also opens up new possibilities for creativity and innovation.